The Lockwood and Co series, penned by Jonathan Stroud, is a captivating collection of supernatural mysteries set in Victorian London. This unique series not only captivates readers with its richly detailed world but also offers an intriguing blend of horror, suspense, and fantasy. Each book in the series introduces the reader to the enigmatic Lockwood family and their supernatural allies as they battle against dark forces and mysterious entities. The question “how many lockwood and co books are there” prompts us to delve deeper into the world of this beloved series, exploring its numerous volumes and adaptations across various media.
Number of Books
Jonathan Stroud’s Lockwood and Co series consists of seven novels. The first book, titled “Lockwood & Co,” was published in 2007 and introduced readers to the young Lockwood siblings, Ethan and Charlotte, who inherit a mysterious house called ‘The Lockwood Manor’ from their father. Their journey begins when they discover that the house is haunted by a malevolent entity known as the “Old One.”
Each subsequent book in the series continues to unravel the mysteries surrounding the Old One and the Lockwood family’s supernatural abilities. “Lockwood & Co: The Ghost Map” (2009), “Lockwood & Co: The Ghosts of Capuchin Alley” (2010), “Lockwood & Co: The Ghosts of St Mary’s Hospital” (2011), “Lockwood & Co: The Ghosts of the Great Fire” (2012), “Lockwood & Co: The Ghosts of the Great Fire II” (2014), and “Lockwood & Co: The Ghosts of the Great Fire III” (2016) follow the adventures of Ethan and Charlotte as they uncover more about the Old One and the supernatural forces at play.
It’s worth noting that while there are seven novels in the main series, there are also several short stories and novellas that expand upon the Lockwood and Co universe. These additional works, such as “The Shadow of the Lockwoods” and “The Lockwood and Co Mystery Box,” provide further insights into the characters and their adventures.
Film Adaptations
The success of the Lockwood and Co series has led to multiple adaptations across different mediums. While there have been no major film adaptations as of yet, the series has been adapted into graphic novels and audio dramas. In addition, the seventh novel, “Lockwood & Co: The Ghosts of the Great Fire III,” has been turned into a graphic novel titled “The Ghosts of the Great Fire III: Graphic Novel” published in 2016.
The graphic novel adaptation, written by Jonathan Stroud himself, provides a visual representation of the complex and fantastical elements of the series. It follows the same storyline as the original novel, allowing fans to experience the adventures of Ethan and Charlotte in a new medium.
Furthermore, the audio drama adaptation, titled “Lockwood & Co: The Ghosts of the Great Fire III: Audio Drama,” was released in 2015. This adaptation, narrated by Jonathan Stroud himself, allows listeners to immerse themselves in the eerie and thrilling world of Lockwood and Co through the power of voice acting.
In conclusion, the Lockwood and Co series is a remarkable collection of supernatural mysteries that has captured the hearts of readers and fans alike. With seven novels and several additional works, the series offers a wealth of content for those interested in its world. The fact that it has been adapted into various mediums, including graphic novels and audio dramas, further cements its status as a beloved literary phenomenon. Whether you prefer reading or listening to the stories, the Lockwood and Co universe remains a fascinating and captivating one.